
Introducing “Quantum-like Qualia hypothesis: from Quantum Cognition to Quantum Perception”

Just accepted by Frontiers in Psychology! “Quantum-like Qualia hypothesis: from Quantum Cognition to Quantum Perception” by Tsuchiya, Bruza, Yamada, Saigo, Pothos. Learned a lot from writing this. Very happy to see it finally accepted! This paper introduces mathematical structure of quantum theory to better understand mathematical structure of qualia and associated psychological processes. I’ve…

Sameness of qualia

Distinctions among the different levels of sameness (identity > isomorphic > equivalent > adjunction > functor) introduced in category theory is so useful. The more I read philosophical discussion on qualia, I appreciate these distinctions… The above is Fig 1B of our paper : Tsuchiya, Taguchi, Saigo 2016 Neurosci Research. I’m curious how much people…

How to be an efficient manager in a remote collaborative project?

Because of the nature of my research, remote collaborations have become essential. Here are some notes on what I found useful on how to better manage these remote projects. There are many more, but I list only three points here, which seem to work in my team in my area of the research. Hope this…


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City-dweller, noodle lover, camera collector and fan of everything with a lens. I’m always trying out new gear. Edison is my outlet to share my new discoveries with the world.

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